I copied the recipe!

by Enzo Coccia
Yes, me, Enzo Coccia, too, I copied the recipe! And I don’t feel ashamed to admit that I do! In the era of copyright that has to be protected at all costs, the war between chefs who post photos on Facebook to prove...

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Presentazione marketing del gusto

Marketing of taste

by Enzo Coccia On April 4 the launch of the book Marketing del gusto, written by the two journalists Luciana Squadrilli and Slawka G. Scarso, took place at the new pizza shop “O’ Sfizio d’à Notizia”. As a person active in the restaurant field,...

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‘O Sfizio d’ ‘a Notizia: deep fried pizzas, ‘mpustarelle and bubbles A Cinderella of the Neapolitan culinary tradition goes with Champagne opening on Monday, March 21 at 8:30pm – via Michelangelo da Caravaggio 49/51

by Enzo Coccia
Can Cinderella become Princess without seeing her dream vanish at midnight? Cooking makes everything possible, especially if we refer to the deep fried pizza, a very ancient popular dish that fed generations of Neapolitans, protecting them from abject poverty. The first traces...

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Formazione di pizzaioli

Learning: Nobody’s born knowing everything

by Enzo and Andrea Coccia
During the Pizza Formamentis Congress on Monday and Tuesday 25th and 26th at Palazzo Caracciolo in Naples several issues were discussed. One of them, which led to a lively debate, was: the complete vocational training of the pizzeria professionals...

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Pizza with sausage or cured meats with asbestos?

by Enzo Coccia
We were mangiafoglie (leaf eaters) and we became mangiamaccheroni (macaroni eaters). Then, the modernity and the economic boom changed us into mangiacarne (meat eaters). We look for bacon, bresaola, culatello, mortadella: specialties that we love and we put on our plates or eat...

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Pizza Margherita or Mediterranea?

by Andrea and Enzo Coccia
If we ask most people which is the authentic Neapolitan pizza, most of them will reply the margherita. An obvious answer where the technique, the oven, the toppings and every single characteristics of the final product are not taken...

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