Presentazione marketing del gusto

Marketing of taste

by Enzo Coccia

On April 4 the launch of the book Marketing del gusto, written by the two journalists Luciana Squadrilli and Slawka G. Scarso, took place at the new pizza shop “O’ Sfizio d’à Notizia”.

As a person active in the restaurant field, I read this book, but it should be studied carefully in every detail. Its subheading already reveals what the book is: a complete guide to promote local products and food services and to arrange the gastronomic events.

I found interesting the choice to divide the book into five chapters, each of which deals with a selected marketing topic. I think that reading this text in depth would be useful for those who are operating in the restaurant business, but also for those who produce and sell food products. As interesting is the analysis of the relationship between consumers and culinary information, in fact, the book cites: “[…], i consumatori oggi si sentono più preparati e di conseguenza hanno aspettative più alte. Il cibo non risponde più, necessariamente, a un bisogno primario, ma ha acquisito una valenza differente di socialità, di status” (these days, the consumers feel more prepared and, therefore, have higher expectations. Food is no longer responding, necessarily, to a primary need, but it has acquired a different value of sociability, of status).

A very lively discussion happened on the issue of the social media proper use. I fully agree with the authors’ thought. They consider them as useful tools for our business, differentiating the contents depending on the media involved, using them in the best way possible without bothering people and damaging the company’s image due to wrong actions.

Lastly, I consider that the social media are important for communication and, more in general, for marketing, but a precise strategy, which is line with the corporate mission, has to be followed.

After the presentation, the many guests tasted montanare, deep-fried pizzas, mpustarelle and murzilli with dark chocolate. Sponsors of the event: Molino Dallagiovanna, Ferrarelle, Cantine Astroni and Feudi di San Gregorio.