Pizza of the day after: a pizza against the food waste

by Enzo Coccia

The holidays are always a joy. Easter represents certainly a time to spend with the family and relatives.

On the contrary, Easter Monday has always been an equivalent of outward journeys to have a picnic with friends.

But when I was a child, the Easter Monday spent in this way did not exist at all. Indeed, it was a day when we worked hard, perhaps even more than on the other days.

My family owned the pizzeria at Pizza Mancini, in an area adjacent to Naples’ central station where the local and regional buses were stationed. For this reason, on the Easter Monday it was particularly busy and there was a great turnout. For us, the Easter Monday was spent at the pizzeria and we prepared what we have always called “the pizza of the day after” or rather “ a pizz o juorno aropp” as the Neapolitans used to call it.

An old family tradition that now I want to recover by making a pizza with basil, yellow piennolo tomatoes, smoked buffalo mozzarella, culatello strolghino, extra virgin olive oil and, after the baking, uncooked curly escarole with cacioricotta. In short, all the ingredients bought plentifully on the previous day.

The pizza of the day after was a way to avoid food waste, using everything remained after the feasts. A recovery that today is even more important against the present food waste.